Friday, March 23, 2012

bold n trendy acrylic nail kit

So I bought this kit a while ago and I was really disappointed with it . This kit cost me an arm and a leg to get. I could of done better and went to my beauty supply store and bought it all separately myself and  have had more then 100$ left over. The brush that comes in this kit Is a hot mess it gets fat and nasty with all the acrylic that gets stuck in it while doing a set. It's just annoying so don't waste your hard earned money on Here are some pictures of what I was able to do with the kit.


  1. Wow, I'm glad I came across your post!! I've been wanting to buy from Bold n Trendy but now I'm not so sure! I'd like to know who manufactures their acrylic ( I'm against companies who test on animals) do I can do some research on that company before I purchase it.

    1. I completely agree research is best before buying anything animal testing is simply cruel.
      Thanks for reading!
